Digital Marketing Trends That Will Help Grow Your Business in 2023

In this blog, we will discuss the trends that can help businesses to grow in the digital world. It will help you to maintain the hygiene of your digital assets as well as guide you on how to use them efficiently.

Digital Marketing Trends 2023

The list of digital marketing trends is virtually endless considering numerous variables like location, industry type, the scale of business, etc. However, here, we have collated the trends which will help most companies to stay on top of the game in 2023. 

By 2023, Global Marketing Automation Spending Will Reach $25 Billion

As rightly said by Jeff Bezos, “...artificial intelligence and its ability to automate certain tasks that in the past were impossible to automate, not only will we have a much wealthier civilization, but the quality of work will go up very significantly and a higher fraction of people will have callings and careers relative to today.”

Analytics and marketing automation have lately been the town's talk for the right reasons. It gives executives and decision makers the leverage to take data-driven decisions without investing unreasonably long man-hours in collecting and listing data. Most of the heavy lifting is done by technology, leaving space for decision-making. Marketing automation is especially revolutionary for businesses that want to step into the world of big data.

Leading marketers are 58% more likely than mainstream marketers to strongly agree that first-party data is a strategic asset.

Google was supposed to remove third-party cookies in 2022 but it got delayed. So, 2023 could be the year when we finally bid adieu to third-party cookies. Now is the time when organizations should start working on their first-party data repositories. This data can be used for search ad campaigns, Amazon ads, Instagram and Facebook ads, etc.

Lisa Humphreys, COO, EMEA - GroupM shares an interesting insight. She says, “Consumers need to see a clear link between the personal information they’ve shared with you and the value they get back.”

Most customers feel third-party cookies intruding on their personal space. On the other hand, first-hand data can be quite sensitive. You don’t want your patrons to unsubscribe to your mail or ignore your calls. Hence, the data must be used judiciously. Your decisions must be data-driven. It’ll help you to analyze what your customers like and how they react to different types of communications. 

$1 spent on UX can bring up to 100 in return

User experience is not a destination, it’s a journey and must be on the list of the long-term goals of a company. Did you know that as per Digital Intelligence Briefing if your website has a good mobile UX, 74% of visitors are likely to visit again? On the contrary, if it takes more than one second to load the page, the bounce rate increases by 123%

The user experience of your website is important for Google as well. Core Web Vitals is the newest ranking factor introduced by Google. A few important factors which can help you enhance your website’s user experience and conform to Core Web Vitals are mobile friendliness, security (look out for HTTPS), speed of the page, etc. By taking care of these basics, you can rank higher than your competitors on Google Search. Higher the ranking, the higher the visitors and revenue.

Programmatic digital display advertising spending to reach $142 billion in 2023

Programmatic advertising has been around for over a decade but it is still in the early stages. As its acceptance increases, programmatic advertising will be the next big thing in digital marketing. It has tons of benefits like higher return on investment, better campaign performance, better targeting optimization, real-time measurement, etc. You will also be able to save your time and resources as most of the work is done in the back-end by machines.

If you wish to read more about programmatic display advertising, you can read our blog, “The Power of Programmatic Advertising in Scaling Your Business”.

Some of the other trends to look out for in 2023 are:

- Voice search is growing. Alexa and Siri are gaining popularity and people are depending on them to find the best results for their queries. So, keep this in mind while you optimize your website. Achieving P0 must be the goal. Try to replicate your target audience’s language.

- Video marketing is in a rage. Short-form videos can help you reach the masses. Think - Reels, TikTok, YouTube Shorts, etc.

- More than 40% of online transactions happen on mobile phones. When you are listing a product, do keep mobile-first indexing in mind


If you are planning to scale your business using digital marketing, these are some of the trends that you must consider. However, you must also consider the statistics of your respective industry to outperform your competitors. This is the factor that will help you stand out. Our team of professionals at Jupyter Analytica has mastered the art of tailoring digital marketing strategies to suit our clients’ demands. Let us join hands and make your business a digital success in 2023.

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