
Data Analytics

Around 95% of businesses say their inability to understand and manage unstructured data is holding them back. Is your business one of them? Are you overwhelmed with the data you have at your disposal?

Don’t worry. We are here to sort through raw data to find meaningful insights and patterns that mean the most for your business.

At Jupyter Analytica, we have a data-first approach. We use data and statistics to make informed decisions on the health of your business and how to grow it— taking guesswork completely out of the equation.

how our process works

How data helps optimize your marketing efficiency

Budget Optimization

Maximize Your Marketing ROI

  • Marketing Mix Modeling
  • Identifying the Ideal Channel Mix
  • Marketing Funnel Optimization
  • Media Tactics
Competitive Conquesting

Gain Online Market Share From Your Competitors

  • Competitor Keyword Targeting
  • Web Scraping
  • Search Volume Forecasting
Audience Targeting

Unlock Advanced Audience Targeting Capabilities

  • First Party Data
  • Customer Match
  • Remarketing
  • Lookalike Modeling
Machine Learning

Leverage Algorithmic Bidding to Target Most Valuable Prospects

  • Weighted Conversions
  • Defining Macro and Micro Conversions

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Note: It is our responsibility to protect your privacy and we guarantee that your data will be completely confidential.